03:17 AM
1 Love
Deny, deny, deny!! - That is Southwest's obvious strategy right now, regarding Southwest's irresponsibity towards their airline maintainence.
1. The FAA has fined Southwest 10 MILLION DOLLARS for violating safety regulations, in place to protect the flying public. 2. Southwest flew planes with thousands of passengers on them, AFTER Southwest KNEW that those planes were NOT compliant with FAA safety regulations!!
Bottom line: Southwest put REVENUE and PROFITS,
ahead of passenger safety.
3. Southwest has used the excuse that "Boeing said the planes were OK to fly" ... ARE YOU KIDDING??!! -
Since when does an opinion from Boeing, trump FAA Federal law and Federal safety regulations?
That's like a little kid getting in trouble for doing something wrong, and saying "But my friend said it was OK"
The Southwest executives have demonstrated that to them,
revenues and profits come first. And that the safety of their planes is secondary, to keeping those planes in the air.
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