03:38 PM
While I understand the need for some customers to need more then one seat. I honestly don't understand why there is such a need to jam so many customers in a single aircraft thus creating smaller seating situations.
I am a fairly tall guy, not obese like some people, I could lose a few lbs like mos Americans out there. I would not consider Kevin Smith to be grossly overweight either. I had to sit next to a very large lady on a southwest flight once and I just sucked it up knowing that she bought a ticket just as I did, and she spent her hard earned money to travel somewhere with the airline. If you want to refuse service to a customer that is the right of any business, but do so before they get to the airport and or in their seat.
Millions of Americans depend on airline service everyday. To be stranded because of being to big and to miss important events because of an issue like this is not right.
Why don't airlines provide larger seating? Seriously its because of GREED, they want to fit as many customers into an aircraft that is legally possible according to FAA regulations. Airlines have forgotten that if you provide good comfortable service that you will make more money in the long run as you will have customers coming back to you over and over again.
I am 6'10" and when I fly airlines like Southwest and Airtran I never get asked if I would like to move up to the emergency exit which provides much more leg room. When I fly Airlines that focus on customer comfort such as Midwest, Fronter, and others I always get asked before I even board the plane if I would be more comfortable in an exit row seat.
I think we all need to presure our congressmen to set new regulations for airlines in the US. Personally I think we need airlines that don't push ya into the plane like cattle, and airlines that are more sensitive and non-discriminate against our fellow Americans regardless of what size they are!
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