I am A retiried person and I do invent for my pass time.What about I am going to tell you I wrote to A loth of company before with this idea but in vain no body want to believed that it is posiable to do what this idea well do.
Try to follow what it well do to the air industry if you iinplant this idea to every airlines in the world.
1 The airlines well not have to check the baggage when the costomer comes to the airport ,just put the baggage on the strap that goes to the airplane 15 minutes before departure and it well be fine.NO witing for 3 or 4 hours for checking baggage.
2The idea well check the baggage and the personial in security well not have to check the baggage no more the way the baggage well be set in the airplane well make it safe .
3With this idea the airlines well save million,s of dollars of fuel Because of the way the airlines work.
4The airlines well lower there prices and still makes A loth of profit .
5The safety of the airlines well lboast morel in the pilot and the service people abord the aircraft because of the safety of the airraft would be sure that there is on baggage with harzardis meterial abord because the way the baggage is place in the aircrsft.
6 With this idea it well makes the passanger that are not sure this well assure them once more .
7 The only thing that the the safety have to do is check the people that takes the airplane and don,t have to check the baggage. Because the way I orginize
The baggage does not need to be check.
A telephone call at the airport from someone that gave A treat in the baggage is most unlikely to happened.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter
Bertrand Ruhle
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