07:14 PM
4 Loves
Hey, Chuck N....re. your comment about going to the media instead of a "highly moderated blog":
1. It seems that SWA is allowing all the negative comments to be posted here. In fact, there seem to be more of those type comments than supportive ones. Read 'em ALL, including the ones posted under "CEO on CNN."
2.Instead of the media, perhaps we should all check out the source documents...you REALLY trust the MEDIA?
3. To your point, and mine...go to SWAMedia, and click on the "Former NTSB Investigator" link. In my mind, that is the best summary of the situation by an actual EXPERT.
4.Speaking of the media, they are giving a politician (Oberstar) a chance to make hay in the limelight at the expense of SWA. 'Course SWA went through the ringer with a politician at the onset of their existence at the behest of other airlines. And it only took 30+ years to prove that Wright was wrong. Could history be repeating itself...SWA IS the only profitable airline. How embarrassing for the other carriers!
Feel free to check my other comment earlier in this thread, as well as my comment on the "CEO on CNN" post.
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To all of the "shame on SWA" folks above...have you read the statement issued by the former NTSB investigator issued March 7? You can find it if you go to SWAMedia...click on news releases...fascinating. SWA actually was source of input used by the FAA for this safety issue.
Maybe this whole situation is reminiscent of when SWA started in business..hmmm, let me recall...a group of high-powered airlines got their pet politician to try and rig it where the little start-up would be run out of business. Now, perhaps, a group of struggling, i.e., non-profitable airlines, in conjunction with the media do not want to see one airline remain profitable. It does make those other guys look silly, doesn't it!?
For my additional thoughts, see my comment from yesterday under the Safety statement...and thanks, John, for directing me to your comments here!
I'm with you all the way, SWA!
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05:31 AM
1 Love
I think that this situation is indicative of a serious problem with our American culture today. This is an example of why parents have a hard time explaining to their kids why you should do the right thing. "Johnny, YOU need to tell your teacher that you were the one who wrote on the wall. It will be better for you in the long run." "But Mom, when SWA did the right thing and self-disclosed to the FAA, it wasn't better for them." "Johnny, eat your spinach, and now I'm going to take away the next $10,000,000 of your allowance." Johnny is now thinking that he should have just kept his mouth shut.
And this all happened last year...so why quit flying now.
And I do not fly any other airline domestically and will not fly any other airline domestically in the future.
And SWA started life with a legislative attempt to run them out of business...that experience should help them overcome this witch hunt.
And I do not own SWA stock. I do not work for SWA nor any of their vendors.
And if this was a "normal" corporate site many of the previous comments would never see the light of a computer screen.
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Question for "peanut allergy mother"...if you do not fly on SWA, why are you on the blog???
Comment for mom: I can sympathize with your plight...I am extremely allergic to bananas...and suffered with horrid food allergies (including gluten) as a child in the 1960's. It was a pain...and very scary when I would have a reaction from accidentally ingesting the wrong thing. If your child is that sensitive...even to residue...I would suggest only flying charter...peanut oil is ubiquitous these days!
And I go nuts for the honey roasted myself!
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09:29 PM
8 Loves
And they make perfect bookmarks!
And when you are entertaining your small children with barf-bag puppets, they can serve as any number of props...hat pins,scepters, golf clubs, and (of course) swords!!!
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My favorite SWA baggage retrieval story dates back about 10 years! A friend from Denver was flying to Midland, TX to visit me in Alpine...a 153 mile trek from the Midland airport, but my closest commercial airport! He had to fly another carrier from Denver to Albuquerque and then change to SWA to get to Midland...he wanted to fly SWA all the way, but there was no SWA service in Colorado at the time! Nameless carrier never got the bag on the plane for his flight to Denver! He discovered that he had no luggage upon arrival in ABQ when he went to retrieve his bag to re-check it on SWA. ABQ SWA folks jumped to the rescue...called the other carrier in Denver, got the bag located, got them to get it to ABQ on another flight, then as my friend had already departed on his on-time flight to Midland...yes, the SWA ABQ folks went and retrieved his bag, got it on the next SWA flight to Midland, then the folks in Midland got the bag to the bus station to send it down to Alpine so we did not have to hang around there...we got on the road to my house! So, even though SWA didn't lose the bag, they went the many extra miles to ensure customer satisfaction! To this day my friend and I live to tell this story...and we both continue to be loyal customers!
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09:16 PM
7 Loves
Hey, Ed...folks at SWA really do answer...and especially Capt. Ray...you need to order his book! (This is Your Captain Speaking...Flight Training for Passengers by Ray Stark...make sure you get the right book if you go on Amazon...there are several books out with similar titles.)The book explains mucho about what happens and why...I bet he'd autograph your copy, too!
And thanks to all at Love Field last Thursday when things got wild with hurricane weather. One of my business associates was trying to get from MAF to MDW via HOU but ended up in Dallas...the constant updates allowed her to change an Air Tran flight she had to take upon arrival in Chicago to get to Minneapolis...and she said the info exchange while sitting on the ground before they deplaned made all the difference!
And thanks to all the SWAbiz folks...especially Scott...for helping set up my new business account...while I was jumping on and off flights and a trip to the vet!
Carla in Alpine
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03:35 AM
5 Loves
When you vote, post a comment ...Google has only 2 comments, SWA has 2 now...my comment wasn't very creative, so one of ya'll with more of a flair put something up that will get more folks reading, and voting so we can close the gap!
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04:36 PM
5 Loves
Call me crazy, but when the time frame for earning a Reward ticket was extended to 2 years, I recall that this was due to customer requests for such. So, when the seats began to be limited...a year ago or so???...I received repeated emails from SWA, and read the notices on the website. To date I have not had a problem utilizing a Reward ticket...I did have to choose an alternate flight once. No big deal. I did not care about extending the time frame for earning Reward tickets as I am also a Companion Pass flyer...I use 'em as fast as I get 'em! As for the Ding specials, I have booked them on several occassions...but the early bird gets the you-know-what...it's like getting an A boarding pass! So, to you grumps above...read your notices from SWA...we WERE informed...quite awhile ago, I might add...and if you quit flying SWA, that just gives the rest of us a better chance at Reward seats and Ding fares! Thanks!
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Those passengers passionately desiring assigned seating have lots of choices...they can pick virtually ANY OTHER AIRLINE!!!!! I have (only) been flying Southwest since 1973...I also lamented the end of plastic, but I did recover. I am a Companion Pass level flyer, and as of the year 1999 refuse to fly any airline other than Southwest within the continental U.S. of A. I just drive awhile if need be. I live 153 miles from Midland,TX...my closest commercial airport, so I am used to driving! Often times I run into someone I know on a Southwest flight, and open seating gives me the flexibility to join them! When my children were younger, fellow passengers were always accommodating in moving to allow us to sit together, and likewise were able to get AWAY from us if they so desired. So, to the crybabies, go pay more money and get your assignment...and also the CART slowly rolling your beverages out an hour after take-off!!!!!!!
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