01:05 PM
5 Loves
Keep up the great work SouthWest. Finally an airlines who dosent put up with the immoral actions of the young people today. Yes, you at one time allowed your staff to dress unappropriate,but have since changed that and became wiser. I applaude your CEO and anyone else who stands behind the decision made by that person. We need to stop this kind of behavior, especially on a family airline. What are we teaching our children if we allow this kind of behavior and it is then rewarded with publicity and fanfare. Then instead of keeping her mouth shut and going about her business, she knows that if she opens her mouth to the media she will get noticed. So of course the media as corrupt as it is today eats it up and makes a big ugly picture of it, making her the victim and your airlines as the predator. What about the rest of us who find this appauling and unexceptable? Do we have any rights at all ? This woman can dress anyway she wants but not on an airline with mixed people , both cultural and religious and young children. We as American Women shoud be showing how strong we are and demanding respect from the men in this world. Not using our bodies and media to exploit our insecurities. if you are as strong and intellegent as these women I would hope are, you dont need to present yourself like this. Where is the self-esteem and self-respect in the younger women today? What more can we expect from the media today. But I wouldnt have thought much of SouthWest if they had allowed this to happen. My husband and young family fly alot on both this airline and alot.. I have the utmost respect for this airline and will continue to fly them and recommend them to anyone I talk with. Even more now. My family and I want to fly on an airline that we know we can trust and that they respect us , just as they did to this young lady who thought she could do what she wanted and get away with it. You see, this lady could care less what she wore on that flight, she had heard about the first lady and wanted to make a statement, make herself prove a point. If she respected herself and her beliefs she would have gone about it another way. And if she respected the company she worked for she would have dressed in a more appropriate way when in the company of others and children and represented herself and the company she works for in a better manner.Simple as that...As it says in the Bible, "A woman shall dress modestly, with decency and propriety " . What kind of an example are we as women showing our young children if we allow ourselves to be the center of this kind of attention. This poor girl shows that she needs alot of attention and for some reason uses her sexuality to get it. Keep up the good work SouthWest, standing your ground in this matter and any other pertaining the safety and moral protection of your passengers will be rewarded as you go about your journey to make your airline a FAMILY Airline...God Bless you and your staff....As many write you to say they wont fly your airlines, many others will stand behind you to keep your airlines a respectable and enjoyable traveling experience...Thank you..
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