07:01 PM
3 Loves
Dude, Gray, you need to lighten up. If you look the list, there isn't one item that is pimping something that isn't true about travelling generally or SW specifically. Cranky was having some fun with the SW passengers. He wasn't endorsing any aspect of their service that he hasn't mentioned repeatedly on his site already. Just because someone posts on a corporate site, does not a sell out make.
Check-in Online – check in early to get a good boarding pass. Gee that is really selling out to the man.
“Patience” Isn’t Just a Guns N’ Roses Song – Be nice to ground staff because the problems aren't their fault, and that you'll likely get there regardless. Is this not true? Shouldn't all people be more patient with the ground staff?
Wake Up Early and Fly – This is a good tip for those who don't know weather patterns. No direct SW pimping.
Don’t Stop – OK, I guess since he said SW has lots of non-stop flights, you could be a total pain and say he is pimping for SW. But, the point is still true for SW fliers. If you want to go somewhere on SW, go direct -- don't connect.
Pack Light – So, he mentions that SW "is just about the only one airline that will let you [check a bag] without charge." Again, is this not true? His point in this line is still the same -- don't check a bag!
Middle Gets the Armrest – "Southwest doesn’t fly any small jets" -- That is true and the point about the middle seat is also a good one for SW fliers.
Keep Your Kids Busy – Generic.
Don’t Crowd the Aisle – Generic
Spread the Drink Ticket Luv – Generic. Use your frequent flier goodies to make friends. Again, I'm missing the point. All frequent flier programs have perks, he is just telling you a fun way to use them.
Don’t Line Up – Smart info on how to use their new system, not a judgement on the system itself.
Friends Don’t Let Friends Fly Drunk – Generic
Wear a Suit and Tie – Wow, he mentions they fly in "polos and khakis." Damn you for selling out Cranky!
Bring Chocolate for the Crew – Funny and generic
Bring Quarters for the Lavatory – Funny reference to SW history and true statement of the fact that you don't pay for anything. Is that really such a bad thing to say? Is he selling out his soul by saying this?
Wear Closed-Toed Shoes and Socks – Generic
Take Public Transit to the Airport – Generic
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