10:14 PM
1 Love
I commend Southwest for demonstrating good taste. If you look closely you will see that if that skirt was pulled up even the slightest her backside would be showing from underneath. In addition, this type of skirt doesn't rise to the waist but shows the area down to the lower part of the body. Any bending over with a rising of the shirt will show more than people need to see. This young lady was disrespectfully dressed. Other passengers don't care to see
private body parts that should remain covered. Young children don't need to see this. Maybe this is the way some young adults dress but that doesn't make it right. This young lady needs to show more respect for herself and for others by dressing accordingly. I am shocked that her mother was not concerned over her attire. I have 2 beautiful daughters in their 20's that dress in the current styles but respect their bodies and don't feel the need to draw inappropriate attention to themselves by exposing to much skin. Lets face it clothing does make a statement and what it says can affect those around it. Well done, Southwest, its time somebody showed some common sense and raised the standard.
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