03:10 PM
1 Love
Good for you SW airlines! Yes, we as Americans have the right to dress the way we please, and yes SW did have FA dressed in skimpy shorts in the 70's all that is true. The problem lies in the fact that in a skirt the size of a band aid- there had to be private bits on display- either with or without underwear. If she was really that embarrassed (which I doubt) then why dress in such a way ? Seems that nudity is becoming the norm these days! Showing your crotch is no longer considered illegal but just what young pretty women do! She was not the only one who has rights? How about all the men women and Children who just wanted a pleasant Family friendly flight?
Thank Goodness some one has some common sense, Why in the world are people like Paris, Brittany, Lindsey and this Kyla Not being arrested for showing their Crotch in public?
Are we so far from a moral standard that this is ok behavior and dress? Where does it end? Should folks be allowed to just forget clothes all together?
Why even mention where she works? What does that even have to do with it? I also noticed that in the photos she has here shirt pulled up and down over her hips... Come on people are you so gullible as to really believe that she was TRYING to cover up? If anyone wanted to see the peep show she was giving ... they could have stopped for some wings off the plane!
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