05:31 AM
6 Loves
Well... If you want to know how I landed in LUV land. Here goes, I am an airline fanatic and track every airline's every move. So every few days I check delta.com and all the other airlines site in curiosity for new routes just for plain curiousity, any new press releases and stuff. Any new info I can get is good! I like staying informed. Believe it or not, I check WN's site as well because I am curious whats new in WN land. Can lead to a very good airline discussion when Im flying F cabin Chicago to Phoenix on a US Airways(America West op.) flight and I talk to the investor next to me about WN's new DEN and IAD service and it's impact on United. Or I talk about Delta being the largest US based intl airline to Europe. Or US Airways' next possible merger. So when I go to southwest.com and click news I first see Coleen and her rants. She said something bout an airline blog and it sparked my interest. I was curious what was to be said here. Honestly I like the idea of an airline blog and will suggest it to some US Airways employees I fly with. Ill say thanks for a neat idea. And though I dislike WN, I wish all the crews safe flying and enjoyable trips.
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