As a person with some "weighty issues" I am stunned and saddened by the lack of consideration by Southwest and it's employees. Do I fit between the arm rests, yes. Do I infringe on others with my weight - maybe. No one has ever said anything to me. How do I feel now after reading what went on with Kevin Smith? I will NEVER fly on Southwest if I can help it - ever again. Why? Fear. Fear that on that day, on that flight, some employee will think that I need to be ejected from my seat and taken off the plane. I will not take that chance. Thin people - are you happy? The insensitive comments by some people here and on Mr. Smith's twitter page are astonishing to me.
What I would like to give as a thought to all those who may read this... is there anyone at all in your life - you skinny people - who you care for, are friendly with, work with or you have had contact with that has a weight issue or is everyone you associate with thin? What about siblings, parents, etc? Anyone at all with a weight problem? How would you feel if someone that you cared about had to go through this. How would you feel if YOU were were humiliated because of something that was not right with you? Do a little soul searching and ask yourselves what right you have to judge.
People at Southwest - do you have employees that would be humiliated if they were to take a flight on Southwest? For shame on you. If you have a policy like that, then you should have a policy on how it is to be enforced and EVERY one of your employees should be familiar and comfortable with that enforcement. Let's hope this has been a learning experience for you and not just because you have been called out in a public way. Imagine all the others that went before Kevin who didn't have the means to make you feel uncomfortable. If he hadn't had 1million+ followers on Twitter, I doubt you would have cared to apologize.
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