INAUGURAL FLIGHT Washinton Dulles (IAD) to Chicago (midway)
October 5,2006 My flight ever with Southwest, a friend had told me about the A, B, C. line up at the boarding gate.
Did not look at my boarding pass, but was fourth in line at the "A"
Noticed the randomness of the lines in a, b, and c ? at Chicago and at Oakland my destinagiton, but what did find out when returning was I got in the wrong line (it appeared to be the shortest one) at the ticket counter, however there was another line for seniors and pesons who had already paid for their tickets, but the lady was kind and checked my suitcase and gave me two boarding passess, one return to Chicago and one return to Dulles, NOW I look at the large letters printed on the boarding pass, AHA ! they have different letters printed on them one is "C" and the other is "C"
The lines at the boarding gate are random stanchions i.e. a,b,c. and considerable cutting in line from late persons arriving at the boarding area, no one supervising the boarding order ?
However, did notice an improvement at the NEW Dulles boarding gate - - the Same letters a,b, and c - - but much larger letters and FORTY FEET or so of ribbon - - separating the lines - - this is a good idea, at least it starts the lines out in an orderly fashion.
All in all, enjoyed the round trip flight - - Virginia to California
Best regards, Chuck Reeve
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