I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here goes. I don't fly quite as often as some of the people I've read here, usually once or twice a month. Southwest has long been my choice and I've been able to make use of a few Rapid Rewards trips. The first thing I do after the safety announcements is to put on my noise-cancelling headphones for hearing protection, settle in and open Spirit. After we reach 10,000 feet and the 'Portable Electronic Device' announcement is made I turn on my GPS and set it on the tray table.
A couple of weeks ago I was able to read the April issue on the outbound trip and the May issue coming home. I was very pleased to see that I can now wear these headphones anytime (although I'll wait until the safety announcements are over), but then I got the real shock. I suddenly saw that a GPS receiver was no longer allowed at any time. I have a small one that I bring when I fly that lets me keep track of how fast, how high and where we are. If I see something on the ground I'm curious about I just scroll the arrow over and see what it is - a small town, a small airport, lake, river, whatever. I just kind of always like to know where we are and enjoy having that capabiity.
The question is what led to the removal of this device from the 'allowed' list?
I know some airlines allow it and some don't, so it's not an FAA issue, but I always hoped to see the list of those saying 'Yes' growing, not having my favorite airline suddenly join the 'No' crowd. This is probably not something a lot of people are clamoring for, but please reconsider this decision.
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