When I saw the NZ pod, I thought, knowing Southwest, the response would come right from the top. Actually, knowing Southwest, I thought that ideas would come from several directions. (We'll probably see the fruits of those in the next rounds.**) Then, when Mr. Kelleher popped up at the end, Bingo! (Who thought he'd let it be otherwise?) After seeing Southwest's talent at the House of Blues at the BOS opening, I told SWABrian that one requirement at Southwest must be to be able to sing and to - um - move. Bingo again. Bravo, Southwest. It's on.
(BTW, wasn't that Lindsey in the news report?)
** But I want to see some of the out-takes.
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I'd read "Salute" in the November Spirit. I thought that I heard several honors flight arrivals announced on Tuesday at BWI, though it could have been just one. I remember that one announcement said there were 46 veterans aboard "Southwest Honors Flight # - - - -", then went on to explain what it was all about, and to call for "A big Baltimore welcome". There followed A.Big.Baltimore.Welcome.....
Southwest, this one's to you.
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I'd read "Salute" in the November Spirit. I thought that I heard several honors flight arrivals announced on Tuesday at BWI, though it could have been just one. I remember that one announcement said there were 46 veterans aboard "Southwest Honors Flight # - - - -", then went on to explain what it was all about, and to call for "A big Baltimore welcome". There followed A.Big.Baltimore.Welcome.....
Southwest, this one's to you.
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curbcrusher answered the big question over on FlyerTalk, and that could be taken as the word, but can we hear (again) Southwest's official commitment that this is not going to include voice? Pleeease? With the several blog entries going, it's getting difficult to tell who is Southwest's guru or at least spokesperson for wi-fi, so I'm asking again here, since this is where I asked the first time. Thanks!
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Over on FlyerTalk, people are saying it's on two planes, 901 and 902?
And, please, say people won't be talking on phones..... Wasn't the stake driven into that idea at least for the foreseeable future?
In any case, bra-vo for the launch!
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Mr. Owen, point taken. ;-)
And the point is being made over on FlyerTalk that the LGA-MDW run is really going to be the rainmaker. So, re >>Get ready, NYC--you've not seen ANYTHING like Southwest!<< ...conversely, I've got to believe that it's also going to be like heroin to Southwest. Viva the Business Traveler. (And Willie Sutton.)
Anything about BOS? (I keep hoping that those drumbeats in the distance aren't just mine echoing off the walls in this empty room...)
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Bullseye. Not JFK. Not EWR. LGA. Bravo. Today, Willie Sutton must be smiling for Southwest.
If Southwest is true to its goal of attracting the Business Traveler, following Willie's reasoning, the three biggest targets remaining must be NY, DCA and BOS.
Still, silence re DCA and BOS. Re DCA, Item "18" in the official filing that curbcrusher put in FlyerTalk says that the DCA slots were carved out of the bid for ATA. Why? Is Southwest maneuvering for them on another track? Re BOS, what about Mr. Kelly's personal visit to Boston, reported in the airport's "Travel New England" newspaper. It looked like he and the Massport CEO were all but announcing Southwest's landing.
Are DCA and BOS coming soon? If they are, it would be a grand slam. Then Willie Sutton ought to be the guest of honor at Southwest's 2009 Hallowe'en party.
For now, again, bravo.
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Absorbing everything you've said, why aren't you adding north-south flights - especially to Florida - in January? Your new toolbox must be telling you that adding flights to some routes makes sense. Of course, you don't have to accept everything it tells you, and you probably haven't. But even (especially?) in the "nadir months" those flights are full. And it looks like you're going to have extra planes from January on. Anyway, thank you for your straightforward and honest posts!
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