11:02 PM
3 Loves
WOW - look at the mixed feelings - I don't think ANYONE is right or wrong. Southwest did what it had to do. What OTHER company would have done the same??? HELLO - Mattel? Wal-mart? Come on people!!! OH - and what company could turn a negative into a positive better than Southwest??? WOW! As for you frequent flyers - do you even KNOW the history of Southwest? This has happened once before with a well-known slogan the airline took from a smaller company. It ended up pretty much the same way - making light of an interesting situation! APPLAUSE and STANDING OVATION Southwest! I went online after hearing of this just to buy a ticket for SUPPORT! I feel comfortable to fly with you - you ALWAYS do the RIGHT THING!!! Just check out the stats for Customer Complaints at www.dot.gov - it's all there - PROOF!
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