Dear Southwest Airlines, I just read the newspaper regarding the acquisition of AirTran. Praise The Lord! I am doing a happy dance! Please let there be direct flights from Islip to Indianapolis at a fare we college parents can afford. We love Southwest and I actually wrote to you about 3 years ago to see if you would be competing for spots at the new IND aiport. We need an alternative to AirTran, USAir, and LaGuardia to get our kids back and forth and to be able to visit. IU Bloomington has one of the finest music schools in the country, if not the world, and the Kelley School of business is reknowned. Indianapolis is a fabulous hub that has had a direct flight monopoly on it for years. It's a 1hr 45min flight that can take up to six hours to get there due to stops. Please remember the kids, parents, and drivers (Indy 500) that go there. Thanks so much!!!!!!
Loraine Izzo
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