Told you all last week that the pilots would block the deal. WN was going to basically liquidate F9 and that was the end of it. Again, we were counted out...and we still are. To all the peeps bashing us, get over it, were winning in Denver and that's not going to change.
It's amusing how people are "confused" why were happy about Republic buying us. Really? Yeah..we are all very happy we get to stay employed w/o our charity fail interview with WN. Status quo now, making money in Denver, keeping our airbuses, keeping our jobs.
Our Pilots stood up for what was right, as did our MX group. We all thank you for that. To my coworkers who kept their head up for the last year and a "It's On" lol.
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"If you keep some Frontier employees they will have to pass a heavy duty interview and training to even get to hold a candle to the kind of people Southwest has"
LOL.....Like the WN employee who was texting on their phone and crashed a tug into the employee shuttle.....please teach me!!!!!! Your a Trainer right?
"We will need a chisel and hammer to brake through their bad Customer Service habits to turn them to Southwest top notch"
If were so bad ...why are we making Money in Denver while WN is losing money in Denver? and don't try saying that's not true because the info was posted in an article in USA Today...6 of your 15 most unprofitable routes are out of Denver...why...Cause Frontier has good people and run a good airline despite First Data forcing us to file bankruptcy.. If your obviously have no clue wtf your talking about so stfu and show some respect to 5,000 people who will soon be unemployed and think about what you say before you spout off about stuff that doesn't even affect you.
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Blah blah blah. Angst, double bubble toil and trouble!
Look "animals". You failed. Your CEO lied to you. You were not "holding your own against WN". Now then, your choices are clear: can look up just how were doing vs. WN in Denver...internet ftw..try it.
A. quit - how's CO's unemployment insurance?
Now your just showing what little class you have..gj
B. suck it up - realize that airlines buy / merge with other airlines. At least you'll have a high paying job in as close to a stable job as you'll find in this industry
Great..Guarantee that job...oh can't
C. whine on the WN blog about how you wanna keep F9 your F9. Right up until they close your doors eh? Tell us how that works out for ya.
Not whining..and I don't feel our door's are getting closed...I just enjoy all the interesting comments.
Republic is not your savior, WN is not your devil. And that bitter mary drinkin' her kool-aid needs to take another swig - it seems to not have worked yet.
I like Kool Aid...and I'll pick Republics version of Savior over WN's.
So rabble and howl. Your brand is dead, your airline is finished. Your plastic scarebuses are going to whomever is dumb enough to buy them.
Brand is very much alive based on all of our full airplanes, and better yet, they are flying on "scarebuses" w/o holes in the roof and cracks in the wings. Your really going to question the safety of our planes after WN's last 2 years? Really? 75 Million in fines....sheesh
Passengers have laptops and portable DVD players these days, and from what I've seen, are content to watch whatever they want on their own equipment so, mourn for your LiveTV (that you have to pay for!) now. You had a nice (second) run and it didn't work out. Gimmicks are cute though! (weee we have a goat on our airplane tail!). You can always look up pix on
I'll prefer to look at the real planes, yes with real tv's, and continue to thrive in Denver.
Oh well. Better hope you can keep smiling and get a job with WN so you can spend all that extra cash on a therapist. I really hope WN catches all the trash in these interviews so it's not left to deal with the same crap that they STILL see from bitter Morris people.
Anonymous — Mon, 08/03/2009 - 03:21 obviously are the one with pent up emotions based on the angry tone of your blog. Even better, you bash on Morris Air peeps whom were hurt by WN as well...your a winner buddy!!!! Better yet....Most of you peeps who just wanna talk smack won't even post a name or where you are. I make it clear where I am from. Don't can find me right on the A Con in Denver....all this pansyazz Anonymous — Mon, 08/03/2009 - 03:21
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Here we go.....
"What can you expect of an airline (f9) whose ground ops employees decide to leave the station to go get some food and their plane comes in and the pilot has to sit and wait for 30 min till the groundcrew gets back, so that the passengers can deplane?"
Anonymous — Mon, 08/03/2009 - 10:24
You obviously have no clue......such an absurd statement with no validity barely deserves a response...but since it's so completely false..I'll just chuckle to myself over it.
This one I really like...
"Re: F9 ramp. I didn't hear any of you F9 employees complain when your airline went into BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION. Your airline walked out on paying all of it's overdue bills".
Complain? we were in complete shock and can tell you for damn sure no one was happy about it. What was there to complain about? First Data would have killed us, Overdue bills? We weren't delenquent on any payments or bills....learn your your facts and quit making things up, you look ignorant.
"How about you crying about all of those employees that got laid off their jobs after your company walked out of paying their bills. How about the contractors that did work for your airline that didn't get paid. How about all of us tax payers who had to help bail you out in bankruptcy court."
First off I had many friends at the G.O. that were the ones who's jobs were eliminated, Secondly we were saddened for all of them and even helped get some xfered to the ramp to maintain employement. Don't make assumptions for how we felt or what we don't know.
Again..we had to pay our bills and work out payments with contractors for their service, otherwise we wouldn't be getting those services. No one went unpaid...again, you speak of things you have no clue about. Tax payers bail out? We pay court fees, just like anyone you have a clue about anything? really?
"SWA offers you a long term job with excellent benefits."
Show me anywhere in any thread, press release, news article, whereas WN has "guaranteed" F9's employees jobs.... You won't find it because it's untrue. Please perhaps do more research in the future before you come in here and lower everyone's IQ w/ your rubbish.
Republic and Air Trans would come in and pick you apart anyways.
(sigh) ^ Again..not true...more rubbish.
Oh and on your TV service mounted on the seat backs, maybe you should do away with the things that cost you too much money. Why are you giving away soo many things free when you can't pay your bills."
SWA ramp employee — Mon, 08/03/2009 - 10:31"
The TV's actually generate Revenue...but I'm sure you don't know that because you haven't a clue wtf your talking go load your plane.
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" Once again all of these Frontier employees are bragging about beating Southwest with market share and how profitable they are now. How they seem to forget that the reason they are profitable is because they are operating UNDER BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION. If Southwest did not have to pay its bills I am sure our profit margins would be alot higher. "
This is not is an absolute fact....furthermore...we were doing better than WN in Denver prior to First Data forcing us into Bankruptcy. other airline in the last 2 years was going to compete with WN heads up when your Oil hedges were in place and Oil was at record highs. Whomever did your hedges at the time was brilliant and made a great decision, no one will deny that. But F9 is still here...and guess what...were paying bills, otherwise...we couldn't aquire important things for an airline...such as fuel? Aircraft Parts? Yes we pay bills.
"I have nothing against F9 but no matter how you look at it whether its Southwest or Republic Frontier Airlines as you know it is gone."
Also incorrect. Republic has cleary stated we will continue to operate as Frontier Airlines with our current fleet of A/C. Southwest has cleary stated the contrary and will put all of us out of jobs. Please actually think about what you write when you clearly don't know, nor pay attention to the facts.
TO L Moody
"Frontier has been on bankruptcy life-support since April of last year. "
This is just simply not true. Frontier is far from being on Life Support. We have turned a profit for 3 straight quarters.....can any other airline say that? Our cost structure is probably the lowest in the industry atm including WN's. We are running a 90% Load Factor on a daily basis. The money we were paying into first data every month to the tune of milllions and millions of dollars is paid and now all our profit goes to our bottom line. Frontier only needs exit financing to re-enforce it's bottom line , F9 wants a little more cash in reserve to have more liquidity for operations. Were not looking for a savior....just a cash infusion, as do all companies seeking to exit bankruptcy.
So many people care to make assumptions on our condition when they simply have zero knowledge of our operation. Southwest actually limited our pass agreements in Denver because they were being inundated with pass requests. You know why? Because no one could non-rev on F9 and they could always get a seat on WN out of DEN.
Quit portraying us as this wounded dying entity when it is simply not the truth. The only thing WN has done in Denver is steal people from UA and other carriers here with less presence. F9's share has continued to grow even after WN arrival.
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Realistically, this probably won't happen. F9's board as well as creditiors get to select which offer is better, it just doesn't go to the highest bidder. Any scenario which leads to F9 ceasing to exist will probably not be selected.
WN has made it perfectly clear that they have no intention to retain F9 as a partner nor it's employees. Airbus is a creditor and will likely not be very enthusiastic about allowing a sale to WN that has no interest in it's product.
Furthermore, the FAPA has to approve the deal or it doesn't go through, and they have already stated that a deal that doesn't include continued employment for our employees at F9 is going to be a no go.
I'm starting to see alot more negativity between the work groups when it's really neither of our faults. The WN employees didn't tell management "hey buy F9" and F9's employees didn't have upper management expand too fast and blow millions of dollars on focus cities that failed.
WN folks have to understand that our lively hood is being threatened and all the smoke being blown up our a**es is frustrating when everyone in here knows how this works out for F9 people in the end...not so good. No one questions that WN is a good company and obviously a good one to work for. Likewise, F9 is a good company who learned from it's mistakes and is now a profitable carrier, and is also a good company to work for.
If F9 was as weak and fragile as some have implied....WN would have crushed us long ago. We survived when no one gave us a chance. We have gone toe to toe with WN in a horrid economy, in arguably the most competitive market in the US and not only continued to operate, but also made money.
As another blogger stated, F9 is doing very well in Denver, even better than WN. That's not saying WN isn't a good airline, it's just saying that in this Market, we fair well against them.
All I ask is for people to quit reading into the PR crap being strewn about and look at what will actually happen if WN aquires F9, you will erase us from existence and we will for the most part lose our employment. Look at any of WN's previous aquisitions, they are all gone....all of them...why would we be any different? At least show us the respect to acknowledge the truth.
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The fact of the matter is, there is no blending of cultures. Could/would we work well together? Probably. Can F9 and WN Dominate the Denver Market? Yes....hands down.
The problem is...Most (if not all) F9 Employees are going to be jobless. In a statement made by a WN exec "Southwest believes our bid ultimately will be seen as the strongest bid by all interested parties, including Frontier Employees, management, and its creditors".
As a 9 year F9 employee, how in the hell will I see being unemployed after WN can sell off our aircraft as a happy thing? Republic will allow F9 to continue on as F9 and even better, I'm still employed..Yay!!!
WN winning means I am a lame duck employee with no job security who from the looks of it will possibly be given a charity interview to start over as a new hire with WN making $10/an hour if I win the lottery and get selected. Wow...such a deal.
Now if WN is going to work with F9 employees and merge seniority and guarantee jobs, then I can live with it and give WN the same dedication I did to F9. Considering I have seniority on 95% of your DEN you WN employees really want me there? Will your loving family culture embrace me if I were able to come over and bump you? Hell no, and you all know it.
All this does is take income from my family and I and all of you know it. Quit BS'ing. Quit giving Politically correct answers. This is a hostile takeover that liquidates F9 over a year or so leaving 5,000 humans w/o jobs.
WN wants our market share and our gates, not our people, planes, or our culture. Please WN, prove me wrong....offer us jobs, offer to give us half credit for years served for seniority and pay purposes. Because I would really like the certainty of paying my mortgage and feeding my 2 year old.'s not going to happen. F9 and your employment die if WN buys us....and's not the WN employees fault, yes F9 is a profitable company now...but many bad decisions led to us being where we no longer control our destiny...LAX focus city over and over anyone? GG.....but quit putting a happy spin on this....WN will negatively impact 5,000 people in a horrid economy and job market....don't tell me I will want this...cause none of us do.
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