08:24 PM
4 Loves
I'm simply beside myself with glee that all the "people-of-size" will no longer be flying on Southwest. I'm really looking forward to my next cross-country flight now.
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Cornered, Squished and Cramped
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I love that you will be offering SWiFi. I'm not a frequent flyer, but do travel coast-to-coast several times a year to visit my daughter and grandson. My route takes 9-12 hours, and while my laptop will only last for about two hours at best, it would be really convenient to check in-flight on my arrival and departure gates, get a layout of the connecting airport and send off an email should there be delays en route.
I'm happy to pay for SWiFi, but along with the others, sorry to hear there is no plan for providing power outlets.
Still LUV Southwest! You're my One and Only.
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06:07 AM
2 Loves
The 'lady' in question is no lady.
The 'lady' is a tramp.
Her 15 minutes of fame have expired.
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