Any stories about times when the numbers given to you were, um, not as accurate as they should have been, or do these errors usually amount to "rounding error" in transport-category aircraft like the 73'? This is the only report I could find: https://www.nasdac.faa.gov/pls/portal/STAGE.AIDS_BRIEF_REPORT_PUB?EV_ID=20000710025209C&NARR_VAR=computer
Any more technical details on the OPC? Sounds very interesting. This is a perfect topic for a blog entry. Maybe some screen shots?
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05:28 PM
16 Loves
That was very kind of you, Sunny. Thank you for the response.
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Why doesn't Southwest offer a competing service and let the "market" (e.g. "supply and demand") sort the problem out? Instead of listening to your former marketing professor, perhaps you should visit a modern economics department of your choice and inquire as to how prices serve to allocate scarce goods to those who value the good the most (and are willing to pay commensurately.)
Instead, you've chosen the "sour grapes" approach in claiming (a bit phonily, IMHO) that these sites are taking away Southwest's inventory. Didn't Southwest agree to accept a reduction in its inventory in exchange for the ticket price paid by the Customer? Why should Southwest care how Customers choose to obtain a BP? This sounds a little heavy handed and evidences a slide in Southwest's culture from the "good ol' days;" remember the lawsuits that almost grounded Southwest early on? I see Southwest is now returning the favor with respect to this nascent group of companies in the (tired) name of "protecting customers."
If any doubt remained, this should clearly demonstrate that Southwest is your run-of-the-mill fierce competitor wrapped in a flag of feel-good "customer friendliness." Also, why the change in heart from the original (i.e. neutral) stance?
I LUV Southwest, but this is just another typical corporate "squish the little guy" tactic -- not in keeping with what I'd expect those I LUV to do.
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05:02 PM
22 Loves
Do LUV's "leaders" make a habit of having their employees tend to their personal matters, presumably on "company" time? I'm sure the shareholders amongst us found this tidbit "interesting," to say the least. Hooray for Southwest having the courage to post such information for public consumption.
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