Bill-I also think it's REALLY cool that you comment back and I will make more of an effort to fly your airline. I know you just started service to MSP not long ago but just wanted to make sure you have all the facts going forward....for service from OMA-MSP that is.
As you already know about the short distance, the extremely high fares of NW/DL and the amount of O/D between the cities. What you may not know is that it's a 5 1/2 to 6 hour drive because there are no direct roads, you have to drive through Des Moines. This makes the extremely short flight: drive ratio extremely attractive for an airline. The amount of people that drive between these two cities for leisure is tremendous. Right now I would guess that the O/D is 95% business and only 5% leisure. There is a HUGE untapped leisure market between these two cities that 3 flights a day would 100% support with your fare structure. At only 282 miles, it looks to be a no brainer to me, it's just a matter of when.
You would also have the same response on MSP-MCI, it's just the fact that it's a little further flight so the prices would have to be higher but the market is a little bigger than OMA-MSP so that would make up for it.
Both just look to be very little risk with the very short flights that they are and potential 3 fold increase in O/D with your arrival. Good luck to Southwest and hope to fly you VERY soon on OMA-MSP!
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