10:15 PM
1 Love
Wow, this is a nice turning point in America. Fat people are the last group you could legally make fun of and discriminate against without fear of reprisal. However this one just didn't sit still for the bullying that is so socially acceptable here in the US. You can't make fun of or deny service to anyone else based on a physical feature but if someone follows the rules, pays extra then had to be humiliated well after he jumped through hoops, then shame on you SW air. Sorry for anyone who has to sit next to a fat person, maybe if you're so upset you should say something to somebodys face instead of hiding behind a screen to bash people. You might be surprised how intelligent that fatty is in ripping you to shreds about being skinny and probably ugly/broke so you can't afford to eat. Being fat is a luxury, stop being jealous maybe and worry about yourselves for a change instead of taking out what your uncle did to you on someone who "appears" helpless. Ha, skinny people will be the minority soon and then you can enjoy what happens. DONE, OWNED, sorry SW, keep discriminating after the fact. See how easy it is to make money now...just dont do what the other airlines do, leave out pilot breaks and maintenance and kill people by the dozens to save $.
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