08:12 PM
3 Loves
I guess the flight attendants will not be making "cracks" on Southwest anymore!!!
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06:03 PM
1 Love
I noticed now your "business select "isn't going too well because now you are offering a rebate to those with Southwest Visa Cards to reduce the total fare. I predicted you would see a bottom line loss because of this change in boarding policy and apparently this is happening.
I also notice that you are saving the lower numbers for these business fares which often do not show up so sometimes the last folks to get their on line boarding passes sometimes get a lower number that was saved but not used.
I know of no one who pays more to board first and a lot of companies are not going to allow their employees to pay more just so they can get on ahead of the bulk of your customers.
Your management just irritatated most of the common folks who made your airline great and it is really sad. I would hope you would now either assign seats or go back to the "cattle call" that rewarded people who got their boarding passes first. Under current policy. the little guys, middle America folks who were your best customers are now pushed to "the back of the bus"
Please take a poll and you will see what a mistake you made. But then, management never admits a wrong for fear of losing the respect of your stockholders. The spin you put on the new boarding procedure doesn't wash.
And my comments are coming from a person who can well afford your " Business Select" debacle.Raise the fares if you must but make the boarding procedure fair for all , or just put first class seats in.
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10:25 PM
4 Loves
Why don't you all swallow your pride and go back to the successful policy you all have enjoyed for many years.
This is the biggest airline blunder of all time. Anyone with any common sense can see that.
Why the heck don't you listen to the customers? Quit defending a plan that is doomed to failure.Your loyal flyers were not the ones who suggested the changes. To coin a phrase"Can 50 million Frenchmen be all wrong?". For God's sake, listen to the folks who buy your tickets.They are mad as hell.
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11:25 PM
1 Love
I think it was shifty to tell folks that the fare increase was only 10 to 30 dollars more when that only involved full fares which most ordinary folks do not take.
Those ordinary folks made your airline great and now you have made the big expense acconut guys able to beat out the regulars for seat selection. I can't understand why anyone would pay more for the same size seats anyway. Most of the big spenders will go first class on another carrier anyway.
I like the "cattle call "line because it rewarded the early birds and folks who were not to lazy to get off their duffs. It was a level playing field.
You will not admit your mistake because it will reflect on you in the boardroom ,but I bet your bottom line will show the failure in a few months.
I can afford to go first class on anyother airline but I chose Southwest because of the simple way you did things, but now you choose to reward those who have the big expense accounts and put the guys who made you great in the "back of the bus". A stupid error and you will see that in the coming months.
I wonder what Herb thinks? Surely this wasn't his idea. The stockholders need to start worrying and I know some big ones.
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