...along with the merger, don't forget the loyal AirTran flyers who make great use of our daily in-season non-stop service to MCO and TPA from DAY !!!!!
There are lots of folks here to keep those planes full. And maybe add RSW also.
I regularly use Airtran for N/S flights to and from Florida, to the tune of 5 to 7 RT's each year for 2 passengers on ea. trip.
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I am on the other side of the merger - from Dayton, OH where we have had OUTSTANDING AirTran service for many years. We have not heard ANY good news out of this merger yet.(Case in point, our other 2 main carriers Delta and US Air are scaling back their flight out of Dayton drastically.) Since LUV has flights out of Lexington, KY and Columbus, OH already, what I want to know is not what flights you are going to take away from Dayton but what you are going to do to IMPROVE connectivity? For years, we have had great non-stops to Tampa & Orlando FL. Promise me they will remain!!!
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