What about the right to public transportation for HUMANS who have LIFE THREATENING allergies to the dogs/cats you intend to allow in such a confined space, and I'm not just talking about a runny sniffly nose-type allergy to these animals, I'm talking LIFE THREATENING. Not to mention the passengers who may not have allergies, but just don't want an animal next to them. And because we all know planes are certainly less than clean - and that goes across the board for all airline carriers - once those animal scents/hairs/dander are in that cabin, it remains there, just like peanut shells, human dandruff and body odor, and those crummy upholstered seat cushions after how many previous (maybe, hundreds) people have sat in them. And now we're adding animals to the quality of the enclosed cabin environment, and recirculating it. Attendants have enough problems in those cabins without now monitoring passengers' pets too! And, God forbid, should there be the need for an emergency evacuation, I don't want that person stopped in the aisle in front of me getting their animal cage out from under that seat! So, Southwest management, how do you reasonably address my ADA rights to not have to endure pet allergens in the cabin. Hey, why not allow passengers to bring animals other than dogs/cats, as long as the animal cage fits under the seat .... let me see, what about a passenger's right to bring miniature pigs, chickens, parrots, pet rats, etc., etc., etc.
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