06:45 AM
1 Love
Whatever happened to "we reserve the right to refuse service..." Yeah, like Dave Chappelle said, "if you don't want to be mistaken for a cop, then don't dress like one..." Would she have been offended if someone offered her fifty bucks for her services? Gone on TV to defend herself then? I doubt it! SWA does things differently and those who don't like it have other choices, SWAs biggest fans over the years have got to be their stockholders. Has anyone noticed that they are the only profitable airline? Obviously poor miss Kyla was SO embarassed that she felt the need to make a huge issue out of it....cha CHING! Could you see the dollar signs in her eyes as she spoke??? You bet if I still looked like that I would wear the same outfit...TO THE CLUB! I like to hide behind the whole freedom of speech and this is America thing too...I can say or do (or wear) anything I want but how dare you say anything to me! All rights belong to me, not you!
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