08:45 PM
2 Loves
I find it interesting that so many people here comment about how fat people infringe on their space. As if flying were a comfortable experience. I have flown next to people who smell bad - their stench infringes on my comfort. I have flown next to drunk people - their inappropriate statements have infringed on my comfort. I have flown in front of tall people - who infringe on my space because their knees are in my back. Do any of these people need to take an extra seat? Or brush their teeth? Or drink sensibly before boarding a plane? No - because it's none of my business what they do with their body.
Fat discrimination is one of the only forms of discrimination that is still okay to spout. Even under cover of saying 'fatties can go to the gym'. You have no idea why fat people are fat - it's not all about exercise and eating.
And Linda's explanation/apology is no explanation or apology.
I will no longer be flying Southwest.
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