08:59 AM
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The FACT is you wouldnt have even TRIED to contact said customer if he wasnt Silent Bob. If it were me or anyone else you wouldnt have called to apologize for the embarrassment. FACT is when the person is ON the plane? It is TOO late. Someone at the counter should have pulled the trigger WELL before all of this. Also, if you can put the NORMAL seat belt on, that is not too "FAT" to fly. However if you can not fit the extension around you then I would say at that moment you are a little too big. But again, at THAT point? It is too late.
Also, apparently the people from Southwest really do NOT care because when there were 3 seats. Kevin Smith owning 2, and a woman slightly bigger then him in the 3rd. They tried to make the woman buy a second seat. Hence the TRUE reason he is upset. Listen to his SModcast on the subject. (http://www.smodcast.com) He clearly states he doesnt really care of then being a little embarrassed because people had recognized him on the flight before he was booted.
The bottom line? I will NEVER fly Southwest again. I will also tell my friends to NEVER sly Southwest again. Your policies are BS!! As well, the constant lies are BS!! You are no better then the comment criminal who is not sorry because they committed the crime but because you got caught. If this werent Kevin Smith, how would you have handled it? I dont think a 100 dollar coucher would even have been offered.
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