02:18 AM
3 Loves
Safety concerns regarding timely exits due to weight? Are you kidding? What about the elderly gentleman with a cane who can't walk very fast? Gonna not let him on? What about the child with a developmental disability who might have difficulty with a 'timely exit'? Gonna kick the child off the flight? Maybe we should screen people for anxiety disorders and make sure they are not allowed to fly on your planes because a panic attack during an emergency might interfere with a 'timely exit'. What about the obviously pregnant woman who might have difficulty navigating a 'timely exit'? She won't be allowed to fly? What about a person from another country who might take extra time due to difficulty understanding potential emergency directions? Can't let people like that fly on your planes? Should we screen for people with epilepsy and not let them on the plane because they might interfere with a 'timely exit' if emergency flashing lights or sounds could cause them to seizure? Oh, and let's make sure not to let women on with high heels -- those can make fast walking very difficult during an emergency exit. How about a family with 3 or more children? Ever try to round up a group of kids and get them going on time, emergency or not? Better not let families with kids fly on your planes either. How about the slender athlete with the bad knees or trick ankles that give out if he has to walk too fast? Leave him off, too. Better not serve any alcohol on your flights either - those can really slow response time. Better not go down the aisles with those food and drink carts anymore either -- talk about blocking aisles!
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