10:31 PM
2 Loves
Thanks Kathy,
I'm gald your interview went well and I pray in the meantime that you get the job. My interview is Wed and I'm still searching for any information that can can help make my interview go smoothly.
Thanks again!
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12:56 AM
2 Loves
Thanks Shari. Your Interview tips were very helpful. Last question ... I think? How in depth is the bacground check. I'm no criminal so I'm not worried on that end, but I heard that a credit history is pulled and that SW has a way to view your overall performance on work history. Is this true? The reason I ask is because I don't have the best credit score and I filed a greivance with one employer. So I don't know what they may have provided about my "performance" based on the incedent that took place. I listed their contact number for SW to contact them. But is additional info collected from another agency about that job? Should I be ready to speak to those incidents. I viewied both as private matters (credit/grievance) Does background investigations have the ability to reveal so much? I guess what I am asking is aside from crimal history and contacting my employers based on what I provided what more is there to check?
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