I must say I'm very impressed with your openness, Bill. I have been quite frustrated about not being able to make reservations around Mother's Day--our family has a big trip planned. The SW customer service person I called tonight sounded pretty frustrated--though cheerful--with all the calls about this. But SHE "DIDN"T KNOW ANYTHING"!!! There's nothing more frustrating than feeling like the company you are dealing with is unresponsive, and that's how I felt. However, her supervisor told me to check the blog. I suggest that you prepare a statement that your reservations/customer service people can use, so that they don't say something like WE DON"T KNOW ANYTHING UNTIL THE (nameless) THEY TELL US--that makes it sound like SW mgmt doesn't care. I sure hope Feb 8 is the date! And that you have a nice vacation planned soon yourself!
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