I fly Southwest approx. two (2) times a month and will earn another free flight after one more flight. In the past year I have encouraged my friends and relatives to fly Southwest and they have totaled by my count, 23 round trips. The issue I have is I don't get any credit for referring them to fly SW. Could this be looked at for future consideration?
Secondly, I love the way boarding is done at Southwest, (ABC) with the exception of one problem.
At some airports such as my home (RDU) the seats are to close to the boarding area. Often times when I walk in to line up people, sitting down will say, " I am in line"! This is where the problem comes in because Southwest does not post the definition of in line. If they are not standing in line, I usually go right to the front and attract very angry stares. I have been challenged a couple of times but never to the point of confrontation. At airports such as Tampa, where the seats are far away from the boarding lanes there is no problem.
Could this be address?
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