04:32 AM
1 Love
There are many comments left on this page putting Southwest down, however, I would just like to point out the fact that it doesn't mean anything. Anyone who has studied customer service and such knows that negative feedback is easier to obtain than is positive because left than 5% of those who feel positive ever really leave the feedback. Especially on blogs! I just wanted to make that clear.
BRAVO Southwest! Her skirt was too short. If when you stand up you have to PULL your skirt down then it probably is a good sign that it is too short. Watching her on the show, I thought I saw too much when she sat down. Her butt looked like it was going to fall out at any moment. A women might smooth out a skirt when she stands up but if she literally has to yank on the bottom of the skirt to make it come down...well dear I think it is too short. As a mother I wouldn't want my child to see that, nor would I want to sit through a flight as everyone stared at her. I do believe though that if a company is going to tell customers what they can and can't wear then you must be consistent, they must be equal to men and women, and they better have some type of guidelines written. If not then that company may have problems justifying a situation such as what happened with this "girl".
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