If this autistic child had been running around(when the seat belt light is on) and been injured by turbulance, how many of you would be blaming SW for not makeing the child sit? The flight attendants are there to help maintain a safe environment for everyone, children running around is not safe, for the kids or the passengers they may be thrown into inthe case of turbulance. Those who think FA should be trained on how to deal with autisim, who should pay for this, what kind of training should it be? Ultimatly the PARENTS need to be responsible and accountable for there childs behaviour, especially when the SAFTEY of the kid and others is involved.
Based on the info available to the public it sounds like it was not only the autistic child but the nuerotypical kids as well. Based on that SW did what was right for the saftey of all involved and appears to have done nothing discriminatory.
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