I am a "normal"-sized person who fits into a coach-class seat just fine, and I'm still pretty insulted by your treatment of Mr. Smith, and of the fellow female passenger he mentions in the complete version of his story. Why no mention of her in the above? Smith has seemed quite passionate in his belief that her treatment was perhaps even more egregious than his, and yet you do not address it at all. I agree that the employees involved should be terminated - and yet we know they won't be - because that's the strongest signal you can send that customer service should be about servicing the customer and not humiliating him or her. The employees involved had many chances to treat both Smith and the female passenger with the utmost dignity, and yet several people took the lowest road possible. And that should be a wake-up call to all of us, regardless of our size, about your quality of service. The consumer's dollar is worth much more than it used to be, if only because each of us is much more discriminating about our purchases at the moment, and the quality of customer service clearly should be chief among deciding factors. I not only travel quite frequently myself, but I arrange travel for others, and trust me when I say none of that will be happening on Southwest anytime in the future.
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