09:27 PM
Dear SW folks- What a shame that so many people are so wacky and cranky! I can't count all the times I have paid for my seat and then had to share it with a very large person overflowing into my space. The last time I got on a SW flight and discovered that the very large person next to me had the armrest up, I finally got up and asked the attendant to visually checkout the situation. He immediately asked the woman to put the armrest down as it was required to safely take off. She was grumpy and I still had to share a portion of my seat with her thigh and upper arm, but at least I did know that I had stood up for my right to enjoy the little space that I had paid for!!! Thank you to all SW employees - you do a difficut job with some grace and a lot of humor. Thank you for making it possible to stay in touch with my far flung family for many years. I love you all! Please don't reward bad behavior from bad little kids or big cranky men!!
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