10:09 PM
1 Love
Hey, do us all a favor and make the seats bigger. Times have changed. For better or worse, we're all on average a lot bigger than we used to be. I mean, I'm 5'9" and 200 pounds which is pretty average, and I feel jammed into most plane seats. I can't imagine if I was 6'8" and 275 pounds! How about having more of the "business class" rows? Mix it up a bit. Here's an idea....how about adjustable width seats? I don't know, but somebody needs to start thinking outside the box. If bigger seats means few seats and fewer fare-paying people and therefore higher ticket prices, so be it. If people really want to fly, they'll pay more. Most airlines are already charging for every possible thing (luggage, blankets, etc.) anyway so there are other ways of making up the difference. Asking people to be magically smaller is not the answer.
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