Southwest IMO is the best airline around, I do like Frontier (or did) but this was a very limited scope airline and you can't even compare the two airlines. Southwest does an amazing job and has consistently performed in recent years, so how can you fault the excellent management that Southwest has? They have the most loyal customers (me included) and employees I've ever seen. In the long run, Frontier and it's employees (the ones that would have remained, as no matter what happened or who took over Frontier, jobs were going to be lost anyway) would have benefitted had Southwest been successful with their bid.
I also fly Delta, Continental, Airtran, US Air, rarely United or American - no matter who else I fly, none of them compare to Southwest and I always regret that I had to fly another airline but sometimes you don't have a choice. Given the choice, I'd always fly Southwest - even if it cost a little more, it would be worth it to me. I go out of my way to fly them now but I've got to go to Nashville or Birmingham. If they were in Atlanta this would be great.
We should all wish for Southwest to expand their access to gates and cities, everywhere they go they've been successful with their low fares and unsurpassed customer service. The only people that should be happy about this are the airlines that are afraid of Southwest because they know they can't compete with Southwest's business model. I was really hoping this would have happened because it would have given Southwest gates in Atlanta and more coverage in the Mountain states. And to those who hate Southwest, though I can't understand their position, I realize that this is more ignorance than anything, so keep on hiding under your rock.
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