11:26 PM
1 Love
I applaud Southwest for its openness in addressing this, but the fact remains that the airline got a deserved black eye because of a prudish, boorish flight attendant.
Why wasn't the blanket offered first, discreetly, without publicly humiliating this young woman?
Since when does Southwest Airlines behave like the freaking Taliban or some Iranian mullah?
Who initiated this problem, anyway?
And why did the FA act like the Morality Police?
Is this what America is coming to?
Some Christianist passenger, like some of the commenters on this forum?
Are the religious bigots getting THIS bold now?
They need to be slapped down, HARD.
And if Southwest claims it WASN'T some brazen religious bigot, does this mean that I, by complaining, can get rid of the next fat, smelly passenger next to me, or the screaming baby?
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07:55 PM
1 Love
VERY disappointed in Southwest Airlines over this.
Not the Southwest I flew for 30 years when I lived in Texas. Wish they were here in Memphis, though I'm not sure I'd meet the standards of their Dress Code.
I guess the radical Christianists have taken over, and Southwest is now just another satrapy of Bushistan.
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