06:44 PM
1 Love
I was shocked that Southwest was so concerned about what this young woman was wearing. They should be more concerned with terrorists, airplane crashes and drunk pilots. My family always flown on Southwest in the past. I can assure you that we won't be anymore.
And to Joe D. above, she was not embarrassed by what she was wearing, it was the manner in which this non-existing dress code was conveyed to her. The only dress code for a restaurant I have ever seen required a man to wear a tie and a jacket of some kind. The length of a skirt is never mentioned.
What is more important here is the fact that she paid the fare as did everyone else on the flight. What will be next to go... men who have 5 o'clock shadow not being allowed to board until they shave? Children being drugged so everyone can have a quiet flight? It may sound ludicrous but so does refusing to allow a woman to board a flight that she paid for for the length of her skirt.
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06:29 PM
1 Love
I cannot believe this happened in America. The young woman was far more dressed than many people I see at Court as a paralegal. My family uses Southwest a lot. I can assure you that we won't be any more. I would think that the airlines would have more important things to deal with such as terrorists, crashes and drunk pilots than to worry about what someone was wearing.
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