10:30 PM
20 Loves
Having a running argument over your actual birthdate is a hoot. I celebrated my birthday on July 29 with my family for the first 15 years. When I went to get a copy of my birth certificate at age 15 to apply for working papers, I didcovered that I was born on July 30th! My mother still insists they are wrong! She reminds me each year (and there have been about 50 of them) that I should go to Town Hall and set them straight!
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10:26 PM
3 Loves
I love, love, love the open seating policy at SW. I fly every week. It is a game to print an "A" boarding pass, no matter where I am 24 hours before the flight. I've had hotels I'm not staying at do it for me (they were more than willing), I've had resturants do it, you do not need to actually print the thing to get an "A", just check in on-line. I've called my Mom in AZ to check in for me. The ideas are endless. And it is even more fun if I get a #1 on the bottom! That means I was first!
Getting to choose where you sit is a hoot. Avoid the kicking kids! Avoid the sneezers and coughers! Find the nice guys (although as a single woman with some years on her, this has not been too successful).
And even 44 people ahead of you means yiou still have great choices in seating. You certainly will not be stuck right next to the rear restroom!
Further, I use my free tickets all the time and have never had to miss anything due to unavailability. I even have given flights to sisters and friends, no problem!
Keep up the great work. I love SW!!
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