Kevin, So sorry to hear about your misfortune. But as someone who worked in the airline industry for many years (not Southwest, unfortunately) I can tell you that this is a very difficult call for airlines. By holding that plane for the three connecting people, including your daughter, even more problems can occur. Pilots and flight attendants are flying the next day, and only have so much flying time allowed by law. This flying time can include the time on the ground, depending on the airline. So the action of holding the flight, even just a little, might affect literally hundreds of people the next day, when the pilots are out of flying time and can't begin their day on time. It's an unfortunate rollover effect, but it's reality. Also, there might have been others on your daughter's connecting flight who were trying to make their own connections. Unfortunately, weather affects airline schedules, and because of this, airlines cannot be held accountable for weather delays. None of them would be in business if they were. Again, I am sorry for your misfortune and pray your son returns safely. Thank you that you raised a son who is offering his service to our country.
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