@<3 fan dude: Because...that doesn't make any sense?
Philly isn't humiliating people for being fat. I doubt it gives to craps so long as they get tourism.
SWA? Not so much.
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Notice how a good number of the new "support" comments all have LUV somewhere in them?
How's your job at SWA?
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The only people requesting special treatment are the people who think they deserve to ride on *public transportation* without bumping into people.
Seriously? We obviously need better public transit if you all are missing out on the experience of riding a bus regularly.
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Yes, let's totally decide that discrimination is a-okay because of the language used.
Using foul language is so much worse, and treating that as if it's a worse issue totally makes you an A+ person.
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"First a fact: the majority of people who are obese are that way because they consume more calories than they burn and they have been exhibiting that behaviour for years. They do not care enough about themselves to change. I do not feel that anyone who has done this to themselves deserves ANY special treatement from any airline."
That's not a fact, that's an outright lie. Heck, a basic microbiology class would give you enough information to disprove that.
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I didn't even realize who Kevin Smith was until someone made a comment about Dogma.
I got just as pissed off the last time I heard about this crappy "policy" of SWA. (And it's not even the policy that's the problem so much as the terrible training their employees receive and the questionable enforcement.) There's nothing wrong with someone who already has a soap box to stand on using that soap box to speak for those who usually can't be heard.
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Except according to their own guidelines, he doesn't count as a customer REQUIRING two seats. He got two seats because he has the money to afford privacy. They then, aware of his size because they could see him, gave him a single seat for an earlier flight, for a seat he fit into according to their rules, and this still happened.
Regardless of how you feel about the policy itself, they obviously can't implement it well. Their employees all have their own interpretation of SWA policies and enact these policies at their own discretion.
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11:52 AM
Because it deserves repeating:
"I am a smaller than average sized person, no airline including Sloth West has ever offered me a refund for using less space, increasing safety or using less fuel.
Your industys planes are D*mned uncomfortable for people of all sizes, average sized people impinge on my space all the time.
This issue does not come down to "fat people", it comes down to Soth Wests not giving a whoop about it's customes basic human rights, fat, thin, tall or short.
I'll never fly your metal tubes again and I'll push to have your arline removed from every terminal it has.
You didn't just handle this bad, you've handled your business bad and we all pay the price for it each time we enter any airport in the country. Kevin Smith is high profile but the unknown people you punish daily on your airline should suffer no more.
It starts with South West today, the rest of the industry should take warning... the flying public has had enough."
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11:49 AM
Wow, lots of SWA employees showed up.
You can tell when it's a customer versus an employee because the former doesn't lick the company's ass so much.
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11:45 AM
They don't want special treatment. They want the same treatment as everyone else. Which they obviously are not getting.
The only people getting special treatment are the thin people.
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10:59 AM
"I know that we all 'live and learn' from our actions and hopefully Southwest will address these issues more appropriately in the future."
Except SWA has done this repeatedly. And still hasn't learned. Kevin Smith just had the soap box to speak from that everyone else didn't.
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10:42 AM
Like how so many of your employees (http://twitter.com/SouthwestAir/employees) seem to think Christi Day did a wonderful job and how all those mean mean customers are just so mean to SWA.
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10:24 AM
I like how Southwest tries to treat this like it's some kind of industry standard and everyone else is the same, when the only times I hear stories of horrid customer service it's SWA. Always. I've never, ever heard a horrible customer service story from any other airline. Just you guys.
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11:42 PM
Tell the truth already.
Don't keep trying to imply that it wasn't really you guys' fault; that is in no way, shape or form an apology.
You're outright lying in saying he was a problem. The only problem was your employee. Discipline her, eat the mistake, and learn from the whole ordeal. Stop blaming your customers.
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11:31 AM
1 Love
Not overweight, but your treatment of people who are is despicable. My family will not be using SWA.
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