For the f9 employee above who is completly sucking up to southwest for a job it seems. I know your name and its JUDAS! Sheesh dont you have any dignity. If this goes through you wont be joining WN as part of a team, you will be joining the rest of us at the unemployment office. For southwest to open up the operations they would want in denver it would cost them more money than to buy us at a discounted price at some sad... sad... Auction. I dont know about you but ive started looking for work outside of the airline industry which is the most unstable enviroment out there. As you recall the airlines were the first to go through this economic crisis that the world is in and will most likely be the last to emerge. Before we know it we will all have the option of WN or WN. And only then will we all see how low their fares will be when they can charge whatever they like. Sheesh i feel like my favorite team is leaving and im stuck watching the cowboys every sunday. YUCK! The Court should not allow this type of strong arming in the industry, hopefully they make the right choice so they dont have to correct their mistake later. And to all the F9 and WN employee's this is something only a handfull of people know whats going on. But even they still have to wait and see what will happen. Quit assuming you know whats going to happen or whos a better airline. It sounds like a bunch of 3rd graders fighting over the green playdough.
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