How dare you further divide the classes in this country by allowing greedy money to put certain people ahead of others on your airplane? Last time I checked, we ALL paid the same shi**ty amount of money to fly on your planes. When everyone who's pissed off at you is done telling everyone they know to not fly on your flights anymore (I know LOTS of professionals), the little extra money you get from business travelers' boarding preference fees won't matter. The number of customers you'll lose will outweight the greed you're going after. This is what we get for being loyal to you? Getting spat on because we aren't as rich-bitch? I can't wait to see your company go bankrupt from your idiotic, arrogant decision making. And I dont care that this won't get put on your blog--I never intended it to. Why don't you catch up with the times and create an e-mail address for customer service?
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