06:24 AM
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I am not a big fan of Fox TV. Their politics and agenda seem to be just right of Mussolini, but I have to say I admired them when they were bombarded with mail about how bad a show "Married With Children" was by half-witted people like Terry Racolta. Then they had to face the withdrawal of advertising by large companies like Proctor and Gamble when Ms. Racolta started a letter writing campaign saying that if these companies continued to sponsor the show, she and all her blithering idiot friends would not buy their products. Instead of taking the path of least resistance and pulling the show, Fox said: "We think it's a good show and we are going to keep it on and if you don't want to watch it, you have a remote control. In addition if these companies don't want to advertize, we'll find others."
Racolta was trying to get Fox to do what she should be doing and that is guiding her children's viewing, but because she was lazy or too preoccupied with her own activities to monitor them, she wanted everyone to do without, so she could, essentially, ignore her responsibility to raise her children correctly. This is self-centredness in the extreme.
We have now sunk into a quagmire of petty people getting their way because they whine louder than anyone else. It is common for insecure women to despise who they consider to be attractive, but we should not have to suffer for their insecurities. Watch a football game. To stop women trying to have it banned (ostensibly for the violence on the screen, but really because they don't want their husbands comparing them to the cheer-leaders on the field), the NFL allows little to no shots of the cheer-leaders! How weak have we become? Secure women, women who know their worth and value, could not care less what their husbands or potential lovers watch on TV.
This case is just more of the same non-sense. What in the name of all that's holy, in the "Land of the Free," if that moniker can even be used rationally anymore, can possibly justify taking that woman off the airplane and then making her cover her legs with a blanket for the trip? Has SWA gone mad? Does no-one remember the 1960s and early 1970s when the miniskirt was all the rage? Panties were almost always visible and so what? The dressed were shorter than this woman's skirt and after a while a glimpse of panty was not the depraved thing it is now, because one saw it all the time! It was commonplace and accepted, except by a few religious nuts, like the Dutch Reform Church in South Africa which blamed the drought on the miniskirt, claiming God was upset by it! Is that the thinking now? Or is it the personal insecurity and low self-esteem of a few voiciferous American women who don't have the time, discipline or inclination to diet or look after themselves and they don't want to be compared to attractive females. Are we to be governed by the low self-esteem of a small insecure clutch of women?
My sister was visited by her Germaine Greer/Gloria Steinem influenced friend who, though not a Catholic, had joined the "Catholic Women's Movement Against Porn" in Ohio. On that visit, she saw a penthouse in the living room and asked why my sister let her husband read such things? My sister replied that her husband is an adult, so "letting him" read this, or anything else was not up to her to determine; he was free to read what he liked, also, why shouldn't he read these magazines. Her response was very revealing. She said: "I wouldn't let Bill read them, I wouldn't want him comparing me to these 18 and 19 year old bodies?"
That was the real reason she joined the Catholic WMAP, not for moral reasons. I remember her when she was young and attractive and she was quite open minded about her body and sexuality. This new "Morality" grew in direct relation to time and gravity's affect on her breasts, so this was just simple hypocrisy.
Folks, it's time to wake up and smell the coffee before the mediocre take over.
SW Airlines, grow a backbone. Tell the insecure flight attendant or whatever she is, to calm down and get on a fitness regimen if she wants to have nice legs too. If she doesn't feel so inclined, then she must accept the fact that there will be occasions when she will see women who are more attractive than she is. That's life - deal with it.
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