For all those posting that they hope Republic is successful in their bid for F9... What exactly do you know about the holding company Republic airways? Not the Republic of old but the company that bought the Republic name a few years ago? Try a search for Chautauqua Airlines. What do you know about Republics leadership "Brian Bedford, Wayne Heller?"?) A little research into them and how they treat their employees may provide some valuable insight into what the future holds for F9 if they are successful in their bid. Lower wages, worse work rules, whipsawing Frontier employees against Republic employees. All the things that make other airline employees difficult to deal with will be slowly bred into the Frontier work group essentially killing the heart and soul of F9 and just leaving the shell which is nothing more than an airplane with some cool animals on the tail and a TV to stare at for a couple of hours. The culture at places like WN and F9 is conceived at their earliest beginnings. You can't teach the guys in charge at Republic and other airlines how important that culture is much less how to nurture and grow it...they just don't get it! Find some of the forums where their employees post and ask them what they think of the company and how they are treated. I can truly understand the love you have for F9 and the culture and following they have in the Denver area...but I'm afraid you are sadly mistaken if you think Republic will nurture and grow F9 as the airline you now know regardless of what they tell you.
For the employees at F9 that work under a negotiated labor agreement, this transaction would fall under an acquisition and thus your unions will have to come to an agreement with WN unions on seniority integration and other issues. There is no more "buy a company and fire everyone and put our own people in" anymore. As the airbus are returned when their leases are up and 737's are put in their place, F9 employees would come over to the WN seniority list and hold whatever seniority they Negotiated. And according to WN leadership, that would all have to be worked out prior to moving forward with this acquisition. In a nutshell if all unions aren't on board, WN walks.
I think I would rather roll the dice on a company with a proven track record of treating their customers and employees with respect and appreciation than the other option presently on the table. Either way I truly wish nothing but the best for F9 and their employees.
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