04:43 PM
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In response to the Southwest Airlines fashion policing incident. Although I find the young womens skirt borderline inappropriate, I find it much more inappropriate that anything was said to her. For one there is no law in this country regarding "class"; second, if anything WAS to be said to her it certainly should NOT have been done in the manner it was executed.
It is obvious that there were underlying motives with the individual who took it upon themselves to be the class police of the world. It is much more likely that this individual allowed their jealously at their own inability to wear revealing clothing to take an opportunity to simply humiliate publicly this young lady. I wonder, did doing this improve this persons self image? I would guess they woke up this morning looking and feeling exactly the same as they did the day before.
I feel sorry that this happened to the young girl, however it SHOULD be a lesson to people who regularly dress in this manner. When you seek attention via your dress your also going to receive some attention you may not want. Dressing revealing is NOT a right to that others are obligated to simply accept. You cannot, for example dress in this manner then become annoyed when a male that you do not find attractive looks at you. YOU are seeking the attention, you cannot then demand that you only get attention from the only the sources you want to attract. You must take what you get.
I see nothing wrong with dressing as you like but there ARE appropriate times to wear a skirt like this and boarding an airline is not one of them. Just to be clear the skirt is the ONLY thing remotely inappropriate about her clothing choice.
But, once again, there are no laws in this country regarding "class". But I certainly feel that Southwest airlines owes this young girl an apology. If your going to be the class police of the world you damn well better have class yourself.
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