04:56 PM
Last year I was on a flight during a possible medical emergency and a doctor was onboard. The patient's chest pains were fortunately due to indigestion. Unfortunately when she was examining him, she ended up with vomit all over her shirt. (the rear lav was also closed for the remainder of the flight). The doctor had her own perscription for acid reflux medication or antacids that she wanted to give to the patient, but the Southwest flight attendants denied that request, citing legal liabilities unless they got approval from Medlink.
The flight attendant gave the doctor a personal tshirt which had sentimental value. I've been meaning to write into southwest and suggest that they fly with a cheap set of medical scrubs as a quick change of clothes should a doctor, flight attendant, or even passenger sitting next to a sick person encounter the same type of issue.
During landing, I asked the flight attendant if they had taken the doctor's information. They said no and asked why. I said are you kidding me, this is Southwest airlines, known for its customer service. If you can give flight vouchers to folks who are delayed or bumped, surely you owe this doctor something, at least a written thank you, because she interrupted their personal trip and ended up covered in vomit for the second time in recent history. I have a hunch that this doctor's assistnace is what saved us from a diversion to a closer airport, and that allowed us to get to our destination on time.
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