As a very TALL man (6'6" w/size-17 shoes) I echo Bob Abooey's comment about being able to fit in only a very very very few seats (i.e. exit row seats only!)
In the past, courteous flight attendants (of which Southwest has more than any other U.S.A. airline,) would 'hold' exit row seats by standing in the exit row and politely offer them to tall folks like myself. So that if I was not in the very front of group A, I could have a seat that I could PHYSICALLY fit in without having severely bruised knees and shins.
I can only hope this polite and thoughtful practice continues as the new boarding procedures commence in November.
Regardless, I like many others of tall stature will still have to be somewhere (with internet access,) to check-in online exactly 24 hrs before flight time.
It would be a terrific if standard procedure RESERVED EXIT ROW SEATS FOR TALL (6'4" & up) PEOPLE!!! My body would greatly appreciate it!
It's quite irritating and frustrating to see someone who does not physically need the extra room sit in an exit row, especially someone obviously incapable (whether lacking strength or due to age,) of lifting the 40 pound emergency exit door.
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