08:21 PM
2 Loves
Regardless of how any of us feel about obese people flying on an airplane and impeding our personal space, the fact remains that Kevin Smith WAS able to buckle his seatbelt without an extender. Kevin Smith WAS able to put down the armrests of the seat. Therefore he should've been allowed to remain on the earlier flight. Kevin Smith did not purchase the additional seat due to his size. He purchased it because he wanted a buffer between himself and the general public. I wish I had the money to be able to do the same thing. Southwest even understands my hatred for the other passengers (fat or thin) on their flights. Right there on their little drink coupons, they give me ideas on how to stop unwanted conversation. Southwest was out of line on this one, not with their policy, but with their enforcement of it and lack of tact.
By the way...can I get you to kick a thin passenger off a plane because he falls asleep and impeeds MY PERSONAL SPACE by falling over and drooling on my shoulder?
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