08:43 AM
3 Loves
I don't know or care who Kevin is. I also don't think it is my place to determine who is actually fat or not, the medical data is available. I do think this is the role of the airlines and I think they should post their policies on their websites and play it on the tvs in the boarding area. If you don't like the policies find another airline. Airlines could also post seat space measurements so you could measure yourself at home.
I think people with children should have to sign that they are expected to mind them. It is not the role of the attendant to mind you or your children. Again play it in the boarding area. My flight should not be ruined by your lack of parenting skills. And if your child is having a bad moment you should apologize to everyone. Be gracious.
Oh and those people who need to innebriate themselves before flight, give them a breathalizer. I've had to be reseated to get away from one of those. I don't think alcohol should be served in airports or on flights. Let's put that one up for a public vote.
I don't want to set next to someone who bulges over into my space. I paid for my space and they theirs so they need to keep themselves in their space. If they cannot then they need to pay for more space.
I think persons who store their carry on in the first available space should have to move it to their seat area. So rude to put out others like that.
I think this could have been handled better by all involved but I want SW and other airlines to uphold policies which give us all a reliable form of transportation.
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